How to get good mark in exam

How to Get Good Grades

Getting good grades is not a easy task but it is possible if you are consistent and be smart towards your study.As you heard the story of turtle and rabbit in your childhood. That's right if you are focus on your study from the beginning, then you can easily achieve your goal.
I am not saying that you have to give 8 hours daily but you have to give  at least some time whatever it is, it may be 10 min or 10 hours daily in the starting and try to increase the time span day by day

Here i give some tip which help you to get good mark. 

Consistency in studies

Consistency is the only element which help you to win in long run. It is important in every field. Give some time to your studies at least 1 hours daily. Try to scratch every subject if you are are capable of doing this

Avoid stress and maintain consistent. If you have not time for study at home. So, click photos of your notes in your phone read them when you are in park, market or while travelling. 

Time table

Yep, sounds weird first time, but manage yourself to get this. 
I request you to not make hard time table first time. Make a time table which also give you time for other activity as well as your study. Time table can be different person to tip is that you have to analyse your day first.After that make your time table.table table helps you to maintain consistency and also help to achieve your daily goal.

Understand concept

Suppose i give you  100 question on simple addition. What you do? Well you have two choice. First, read and try to learn as like parrot from your notes.second, just understand core concept of simple addition. 

So, what's your choice? Well second choice is the best. Instead of becoming parrot i want you become smart.probably some select choice one but i explain why second choice second is best. By learning addition, you are not only able to 100 question as i gave you but you are able to solve any problem based on addition. 

Now, i want you to applied same thing in your study. Don't just read topic like a parrot but try to understand the core concept of your topic. This things make you to fall in love with study. This tips is very useful in practical subjects like physics, mathematics etc.

Analysis your weak area

Now,this thing make the difference between a topper and an average guy.the person who known their weakness can capable of being almost perfect. Analyse the topic in which you are weak. Try them to improve by solving question on which the whole concept of the topic is depends. You can give mock test to find your weak areas.

Focus more on most weighted topic

Suppose,In your syllabus there are 20 concept on which 100 question were ask.
In which 8 topic are contain 80 question in your paper.So, what you do? 

Right, you focus first on those 8 topic more. Exactly, you have to do similar things with your syllabus.

Get familiar to most weighted topic as much as possible. Understand the concept behind it and try to solve problem on those that you become master of those topic. Once you do this. Then, you can jump to other topic which are less important for gaining more marks.

Solve Previous Year question paper

Solving previous papers is a very crucial factor in your studies and it can make your preparation up to epic level.This things helps you to get the basic idea of your question paper for which you are preparing.I suggest you to attempt the previous paper as like you are giving actual paper in exam hall. Make your environment just like exam hall and set time duration as your actual exam and then start solving your paper. This  help you to get know that how much time do you spend on a particular question and also help to get know about the most important topics. 


There is no point in your studies if you have no time for revise. Include a specific time in  your time table for revision. Revise all the thing which you learn through the day, week, month and even year. 
Because without a revision, you are definitely going to forget what you learn and your hard work will go in sink.

Please make sure that you revise thing in some specific interval of time because it is psychologically and neurologically good for your brain. This tips is help to avoid stress. 

Minimum use of social media

It is very difficult to stop yourself from social media in this fast growing modern world. So, it is better to deal with it instead of stopping yourself because if you stop yourself and fail to stop. Then, it can demotivate fix a time in your time table as you do for your study.Minimum use of social media help you to get happy and updated person. 

But i strongly recommend you to not use social media in exam session. It is totally disturb your mind.I suggest you to stop social media from one month earlier than your exam.this will make your proper mindset for your exam.

If you follow these tips.then,you are going to rock on exam day. Just remember avoid stress and take care of your body health as well as your mental health.

If you have any quarries or question. Please comment below. We are happy to help you. 

Thank you so much

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