Royal champion | New Clash of Clans hero

Finally, The patience for town hall 13 in clash of clans has ended.SUPERCELL release many new things at town hall 13. A new hero is one of them. After 4 year, SUPERCELL launched a new hero named Royal Champion. Last time Clash of Clans launch wandan at town hall 11.This hero upgrade with dark elixir and it is the strongest hero in Clash of Clans unlock at town hall 13. With the coming of this hero, Clash of Clans becomes more strategic than before. 

Royal Champion Stats

Unlock cost
120,000 Dark Elixir 
Favorite Target
Defenses building
Ground and Air
Movement Speed
Max Level 
Number of Target 
Ability Unlock Level

Royal Champion features 

  • Royal Champion is the first hero in Clash of Clans which target defence building. 

  • like Grand Warden, Royal Champion has the ability to jump over the walls(without jump spell). 

  • Royal Champion is a range troop that user her spear to attack. 

  • Royal Champion has spear which she can throw to defence buildings. 

  • Royal Champion is strongest heroes of clash of clans(she can defeat all heroes at level 1).

  • At Max level, Royal Champion can destroy almost any defence building with 3 spears. 

  • She can hit 4 building  with her shield no matter how they far from the building(ability). 

Special Ability of Royal Champion 

Ability of Royal Champion unlock at level 5. Her Ability is seeking her shield and consists in throwing her spear to the defence building. The shield will give damage to defence and will hit the next one. There is no range applied on her shield cause her shield fly all around the village in order to find its next target.

A maxed out shield(at level 20) can make 1860 of damage per target. This causes takedown many defence with single shot( for air & ground). 

Seeking ability of Royal Champion unlocks at level 5 and upgrade at 

  • level 10
  • level 15
  • level 20

Royal Champion walk? 

Its like archer queen hero with the movement speed 24 but most interesting thing about Royal Champion is that she has the ability to enter in to base. its awesome!!! because there is no hero in Clash of Clans except Royal Champion who can enter into the base with attack on defence, mostly other hero destroy other buildings but they don't destroy the main defence (like inferno tower and eagle artillery) to come into the middle base. 

Is Royal Champion male or female?

Royal Champion is female characters with spear and shield to attack or defend. Clash of Clans already introduced two male heroes (king and warden) and one female hero (Archer queen) till November 2019. With December 2019 update, SUPERCELL equals the ratio of male and female by introducing a new female hero( Royal Champion). 

Did royal champion get skin? 

There is only one skin for Royal Champion with which she unlock at town hall 13 but we hope SUPERCELL to launch her new skin soon ( may be in Christmas update or in future). 

If you have any queries suggestions or questions relating to our topic then please leave a comment below 

we are happy to help you. 

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